Episode 947 - Conversations on Opening a School
In this episode join Andrew as he sits down with past guests Nick Taber and Gregory Williams to discuss all three of their newly opened/opening schools.
Episode 946- Coach Jeff Goodrum
In today's episode Jeremy sits down in person and chats with Coach Jeff Goodrum after Free Training Day Midwest in Kansas.

Episode 945 - 2 Schools of Thought: Uniforms or Not
In this episode, Jeremy and Andrew do the next in their new series: 2 Schools of Thought. They take a topic and look at 2 different ways to do it, exploring pros and cons of both.

Episode 944- Wyatt Meriwether
In today's episode Jeremy sits down in person and chats with Wyatt Meriwether after Free Training Day Midwest in Kansas.

Episode 943 - The Legacy we Leave Behind
In this episode, a familiar cast of characters (Victor Guarino, Karen Guarino, Kellie Thomas, Mark Warner, Matt Nather, and Craig Wharem) get together in person at FTDMW and discuss legacy in the martial arts.

Episode 942- Jake Miesner
In today's episode Jeremy sits down in person and chats with Jake Miesner after Free Training Day Midwest in Kansas.

Episode 941 - The Why of Free Training Day Midwest
Jeremy chats with Victor and Karen Guarino, hosts of Free Training Day Midwest, as well as Craig Wharem, Kellie Thomas, Matt Nather, and Mark Warner; presenters that traveled to Kansas from the east coast.

Episode 940- Sensei Paul Musolf
In today's episode Jeremy sits down and chats with Sensei Paul Musolf from Heian Karate Do from Flushing, MI.

Episode 939 - Ethics in Leadership
In this episode, Jeremy is joined by past guest Brendan Wilson as they discuss the ethics in leadership and how it applies to martial arts and martial artists.

Episode 938- Matt Abrahams
In today's episode Jeremy sits down and chats with Stanford School of Business professor Matt Abrahams about martial arts and different teaching and communication styles.

Episode 937 - Developing a Leadership Team
In this episode, Andrew is joined by Craig Wharem as they discuss how to develop a leadership team for your school and thoughts on keeping it successful.

Episode 936- Sensei Josh Hodges
In today's episode Jeremy sits down and chats with Sensei Josh Hodges a Shotokan practitioner from Tampa, FL.

Episode 935 - 2 Schools of Thought: Forms in a Set Order?
In this episode, Jeremy and Andrew do the next in their new series: 2 Schools of Thought. They take a topic and look at 2 different ways to do it, exploring pros and cons of both.

Episode 934- Lori “Ice” Fetrick
In today's episode Jeremy sits down and chats with former American Gladiator, Lori “Ice” Fetrick about her time on the show, as well as her love of discipline training in Muay Thai and Tae Kwon Do.

Episode 933 - The Value of Open Ended Drills
In this episode, Jeremy and Andrew sit down and discuss the value of open ended drills. That is to say, letting students have a say in what comes next.

Episode 932- Grandmaster Rudy Duncan
In today's episode Jeremy sits down and chats with Grandmaster Rudy Duncan about his journey, his thoughts on training, finding your own teaching style, and making it fun!

Episode 931 - When is it Time to Ask a Student to Leave?
In this episode, Jeremy and Andrew sit down and talk abut a difficult subject: Asking a student to leave your dojo.

Episode 930- Sensei Wojciech Wasilewski
In today's episode Jeremy sits down and chats with Sensei Wojciech Wasilewski, owner of the Taro Karate Dojo in Connecticut.

Episode 929 - Martial Arts Word Association 13: Summer Edition
In this episode, Jeremy and Andrew use a word association game to see if Jeremy can relate random words to martial arts! This time it’s the Summer edition!

Episode 928- Sifu Dwight Woods
In today's episode Jeremy sits down and chats with Sifu Dwight Woods about his martial experiences training JKW with Dan Inosanto as well as much discussion on Bruce Lee.