Episode 10: Master Brendan Goodall
Podcasts Podcasts

Episode 10: Master Brendan Goodall

This week's episode of the show is with a man I know very well, Master Brendan Goodall. I've known him for my entire time in tae kwon do and am happy to call him friend and brother. (We're not related by blood, but his family has been very kind to me). Past listeners will notice the lack of a formal title in addressing Master Goodall - and that was intentional. Brendan and I agreed that in order to give the best interview possible, it needed to be natural... and calling him anything but Brendan would have been unnatural.

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Episode 7: Master Liza Jost
Podcasts Podcasts

Episode 7: Master Liza Jost

Today's episode of the podcast features a great interview with a woman that I didn't know very well, despite having many mutual friends and acquaintances. Master Liza Jost is a long-time tae kwon do student from Vermont now living abroad. She's calling Germany home for now but was in Thailand during our interview. Our conversation was a great one and it's clear that she has maturity and insight beyond her 20-something years.

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