Episode 857 - Is Weapons Training Still Relevant?

In this fun episode, Jeremy is in the car with Craig Wharem and Mark Warner. Listen along as they discuss whether weapons training today, is still relevant.

Is Weapons Training Still Relevant? - Episode 857

In this fun episode, Jeremy is in the car with Craig Wharem and Mark Warner. Listen along as they discuss whether weapons training today, is still relevant.

In today's society, does it make sense to train with traditional martial arts weapons? Staff, baton, sai, nunchaku? These aren't things we typically carry on a regular basis, so does it make sense to still train them? Listen in to their conversation and tell us your thoughts below!

Join in as we discuss our thoughts and after listening to the episode, let us know your thoughts about it. Don’t forget to drop them in the comment section down below!


Episode 858 - Grandmaster Gerald Okamura


Episode 856 - Sensei Gregory Williams