Episode 10: Master Brendan Goodall
Podcasts Podcasts

Episode 10: Master Brendan Goodall

This week's episode of the show is with a man I know very well, Master Brendan Goodall. I've known him for my entire time in tae kwon do and am happy to call him friend and brother. (We're not related by blood, but his family has been very kind to me). Past listeners will notice the lack of a formal title in addressing Master Goodall - and that was intentional. Brendan and I agreed that in order to give the best interview possible, it needed to be natural... and calling him anything but Brendan would have been unnatural.

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Episode 7: Master Liza Jost
Podcasts Podcasts

Episode 7: Master Liza Jost

Today's episode of the podcast features a great interview with a woman that I didn't know very well, despite having many mutual friends and acquaintances. Master Liza Jost is a long-time tae kwon do student from Vermont now living abroad. She's calling Germany home for now but was in Thailand during our interview. Our conversation was a great one and it's clear that she has maturity and insight beyond her 20-something years.

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Episode 4: "Machina" Michelle Moreau
Podcasts Podcasts

Episode 4: "Machina" Michelle Moreau

This week's interview is with an old friend, Michelle Moreau, though her martial arts family calls her "Machina." She's a nine-year tae kwon do veteran and black belt hailing from Vermont. I'm not sure when I first met Machina, but she's been around as long as I've been training martial arts in Vermont. We had a good chat, and things got emotional when we talked about the struggles martial arts has helped her through. I'm sure you'll enjoy this episode.

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Episode 3: Sabumnim Jake Daniele
Podcasts Podcasts

Episode 3: Sabumnim Jake Daniele

Today's interview is with Sabumnim Jake Daniele, a tae kwon do instructor from Freeport, Maine. I met Sabumnim Jake on the IPPONE competition circuit in 2014. The first time I met him was at a tournament in Sanford, Maine, when we had our booths setup next to each other. This was the first event whistlekick operated the now-(sort of) famous pushup challenge. Sabumnim Jake saw that few people were engaging with it, so he pushed a lot of his students to participate, which made the whole day a lot more fun for us.

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Episode 2: Mr. Glen Stafford
Podcasts Podcasts

Episode 2: Mr. Glen Stafford

Today's interview is with Mr. Glen Stafford, a tae kwon do practitioner and a good friend. We met here in Vermont through affiliated martial arts schools, though he now lives in Tennessee. Mr. Stafford's story is one that spans four decades, a thousand miles and includes a pretty amazing journey through a medical setback. It's an inspirational interview and one that you won't want to miss.

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