Episode 511 - Martial Arts Radio LIVE (Episode 9)


In this episode, Jeremy brings us the ninth Episode of the Martial Arts Radio Live entitled: We Have More That Binds Us Than Divides Us

Martial Arts Radio LIVE (Episode 9) - Episode 511

Today's episode is the ninth installment for the Martial Arts Radio Live. Jeremy answers questions and reads stories from the listeners as well as giving out some cool trivia. In this episode, we have a new segment where we talk about martial arts in the news. Listen to find out a lot of surprise announcements and more!

In this episode, Jeremy brings us the ninth Episode of the Martial Arts Radio Live entitled: We Have More That Binds Us Than Divides Us Martial Arts Radio LIVE (Episode 9) - Episode 511 Today's episode is the ninth installment for the Martial Arts Radio Live.

Show Transcript

You can read the transcript below or download it here.Jeremy Lesniak:Well, I want to thank everybody for for tuning in, dedicating some of your Tuesday night to this conversation, to this thing that we got going on here whistlekick Live, I enjoy doing the show. It's a lot of fun for me. And I hope that you will participate. I've got the chat up over here, and I'm watching, I'm seeing what everybody's saying. Honestly, I really don't even care about the video. I just care about what everybody's saying. So, if you have something to say, if you have something to respond to, we're gonna get into some of these topics. We got we got a whole bunch of stuff over here that you can't see but want to shout out Gabe, producer for whistlekick Live for all that he does, all the things that he's got prep for me. And let's let's get into it. Let's see how it goes. Now we, we've got a title for this the ninth installment, believe it or not, this is the ninth month we've done this show. And it's called "We Have More That Binds Us Than Divides Us" and I don't know If he meant it this way, but that's something I'm fond of saying about the martial arts is that it doesn't matter what you train in, and what somebody else trains in there is far more that you have in common, then you don't. There's more that binds you, than divides you. And this is not a political show. I do not do anything to do with politics. I will not be talking about politics. But it seems like an appropriate reminder for where we're at in the world. We have more that binds us than divides us. Now, of course, you may have noticed that I introduced this show as whistlekick Live, and why did I do that because it is not Martial Arts Radio anymore. We have kind of spun this off into its own thing. It is whistlekick Live. And here's the logo. And again, shout out to Gabe for coming up with this logo. And I dig it, I dig it. I think it's fun, simple. Nothing wrong with simple, but fun. We like fun, right? And, yeah, it should be working a lot better now. I've got I'm, I'm learning, right? This is like anything else. You, you got to do something a bunch of times to figure out and we're figuring it out, figuring it out, you know, we're still running in high def, but not 1080p, like I had wanted to. Let's see what happens if I put it back to 1080. We'll be okay with that? We'll see what happens. I have to turn it back to 720 we'll turn it back to 720. So we got this new logo, this new branding, and we're gonna continue to run the audio of this as an episode of Martial Arts Radio, but you know, it's it's growing into its own thing. So we want to give it its own space, its own name. Then we're gonna start off we're gonna talk about Martial Arts in the news and this is a segment that we're gonna try to add in and we're gonna need your help. So if you see a new story, especially if you're part of a new story, something going on in your school, your area, related to martial arts, we want to feature it we want to start bringing some more positive energy to the martial arts and to this show. If you are a reader of Martial Journal, then you know that Former Editor Scott Bolon, for a while, did a recurring roundup of positive news stories. And I miss it. It was a lot of work for him. And I hope Scott's well, haven't talked to him a little while I should I gotta catch up with that guy. He's a good guy. But maybe we can implement some of that here. So if you have a story that you want to submit, you know, go ahead, send that over to us. You know, just let us know somewhere that it's for whistlekick Live eventually we'll get a separate email address for this and, and everything. But let's face it, if we do separate email addresses, it's just more things I gotta check. If you email me Jeremy@whistlekick.com I'll get it. We'll use it. And like last month, the show should probably be sponsored by Spindrift because I drink like four of them a day. Good times, good stuff. And now we're doing we're doing something a little bit new a little bit different in the way that we're gonna handle media for this show. This is a media heavy show. We do a lot of things, we try to drive you all to the pictures, the video that we've got, there we go. All right, figuring this stuff out. And so what we've got here is the White Tiger Martial Arts dojang in Minneapolis, Minnesota. They have been holding classes in a local park for their Hai Dong Gumdo Korean Sword Style and we've got a few pictures of that. I really dig the face on the older gentleman in the background. He looks like he's about to run that sword through that kid. And I I don't train Gumdo, but I'm either either the woman in the foreground is that BA that she doesn't even have to pay attention to that guy behind her. Or, or maybe there's something else going on that I'm not quite following maybe maybe that's not a partner drill. In fact, as I'm looking around at the others, maybe that isn't a partner drill. But you know what, go back pretend these are all partner drills, that that older gentleman's gonna kill that kid. That woman is indifferent to the guy in blue, which must make him feel great about life. And then is that the same guy? I think that's the same guy. He's gonna take it out on this. This guy with the brown belt, who needs to tie his belt but I think we've all been there. And he's gonna take revenge and stab that guy in the back. Oh, good times. Oh, man. There's more but I wanted I wanted to come back and oh, zoom out. Hold on, what are we doing? Man, I need like an extra keyboard and at least another monitor to do this. Andrew says that if he was sponsored by a drink, it would be Dr. Pepper. Ah, see I got my laptop here, I got a screen here, I got a screen here. And you know what I actually have down here as I have a new computer that I might be transitioning over to that would support up to, to think we can do five screens off of that and it does have the horsepower to run it. So, we'll see how that goes. And there we go. And we had one more bit of news that we were gonna do here. So let's go back to that. I'm gonna not fullscreen that because it makes it a little bit easier for me. There we go, Family Martial Arts Academy. This is their logo in lieu of the stay at home order. The Family Martial Arts Academy in Fayetteville, North Carolina was hosting online classes and actually saw an increase in attendance. And I want to shout them out, I want to shout out a number of schools. Well, I'm not gonna shout them out because I'm not gonna name them, because I don't know if they want me to name them. But I know of a number of martial arts schools that saw either a level amount of attendance, maybe a slight drop or even an increase like these folks did. Because they really hit it hard. They made sure that they were delivering so much value, that it was impossible for people to ignore. As a result of the increase, they decided to hold an online summer camp. Instructor Tracy Huff said, I knew we had to do something because not everyone was comfortable coming in. And some families had older people in their home. So they wanted to be extra cautious. She also said, I call and tell my students, you have to put on your black belt mind I've said, black belt minds just don't quit. I like that. You know, we've talked in pretty much every aspect of whistlekick about the black belt mindset, the idea of what that means and I hope anyone who trains in something that doesn't use that conventional Eastern ranking system doesn't take offense at me saying that because I recognize not everybody does rank that way. But I think you know what I mean, you know, we think about we think about the black belt mind, the the attitude that a black belt would have, and they don't quit. If anybody is expecting that this show is suddenly going to become overly professional and I'm not going to you know have sneeze on camera and drink a can of seltzer then you're watching the wrong show. Tommy in the chat says we only had a slight drop and actually have two new families, three students coming up this week to live class because of the online streaming. There we go. There we go. I, you know, this is certainly not whistlekick's business advice show. But for any of you who saw some success teaching online classes as you transition back, if you do not have an online component, I think you're I think you're wrong. I think you're missing the boat. There's something there. There's something there. It doesn't have to be perfect. But it keeps them it keeps them at paying attention. Keep doing it. Have you ever tried practicing a form with ankle or wrist weights? What are some other creative ways of training? I used to have some ankle and wrist weights, and I used to wear them around the house. And somebody told me that if I did that, I would get used to that more gravity. And I would be able to jump higher. And as someone who is smaller in stature, and yet enjoyed basketball, I thought that would help me be able to dunk. I wanted to dunk a basketball. I saw a guy once who was 5'8", dunking a basketball with authority is cause he had those crazy jump shoes. Like I had hops. What can I say? You could jump. Other creative ways of training. I mean, there's there's so many. How how many ways can we train? I mean, it's nearly infinite. Oh, Gabe says that's a typo. That's a shame. I enjoyed that spelling. Creative ways of training. I mean, if you're looking to add resistance to what you're doing, there are a lot of things you could do. You could put on a heavy backpack, you can wear on your back, you can wear on your front. If you subscribe to the Bill Wallace method of carrying things, you might have a fanny pack, and you could put that on, put some things in it. You could also wear really heavy shoes, or maybe you have ski boots. Try doing your form with ski boots. It's not gonna work really easily. You could do it in sand, you can do it in water, you can I feel like there's a Dr. Seuss book coming out of this. No, none of it rhymes. I think anything that forces you to re examine how you're moving is a great creative thing that you can do. I got wow a lot of comments. Spud Webb was mega short and could dunk. Yes, yes he could. He was a hero of mine as a kid. Laura says I've had my students balance a cup or book on their heads in forms to help with posture and balance. Absolutely. Summer camps, you fill a cup, excuse me, you fill a cup of water, yeah. Forms in a pond, or a lake, or a pool. How about the ocean with the waves crashing over you, knocking you down especially as the tides moving in or out. In fact, one of  things I really enjoy is training on a beach as the tide is moving in or out and the stability of the sand changes and sometimes rapidly, so you really have to know where your feet are at, where your balances, and adjust as you go. Not something that you want to do lightly and with with lots of speed. You want to pay attention to what's going on. Look at the squirrels. I just watched Iron Man 3, the other evening last week it was last week. What a great movie. And then side by side with one of the fun memes that Andrei has done. Anybody who had you know, it doesn't have to be whistlekick gear, it doesn't have to be it doesn't have to be gear it could be anything I mean a new uniform. I don't care if it's the cheapest uniform on the planet that putting on a new uniform. I just I feel I feel like a superhero. Not gonna lie. This is gonna roll over to eight next. Let's see. It appears to be working correctly now. Eventually I'll figure this stuff out. How does hand to hand combat differ from self-defense training in the traditional martial arts? Uhm, where do we go with this one? Now, in case anyone doesn't know, I don't prep for the show. I don't, I don't, because I like the authenticity of coming at you live, I like figuring this stuff out as you're listening to. It's just part of my personality. Hand to hand combat in traditional martial arts is a little bit of a misnomer, because outside of competition, what's the scenario you're preparing for? Hand to hand combat to me, means that both of you know what's going to happen. And yeah, I mean, maybe back in the day, we had fights on battlefields. We don't have that now. So self-defense training. It's pretty different. If If we were to change hand to hand combat to sparring competition, you know, whatever the different rule set might be, I think anybody would be able to easily say what the difference is. No, it's not that hard to pick up on that. Wow, I got a lot of windows open. Where does the chat go? There it is. Frank says I was going to start a club for pessimists, but no one thought it would work. There we go. Frank, chiming in with a joke. Shout out to Frank who is instrumental in the  First Cup. The morning show that I do over my first cup of coffee. As a classic Monty Python skit, I I forgot that was in there. That's good stuff. Ah, Monty Python, the Holy Grail was was probably my favorite movie as a as a teenager. I can't even tell you how many dozen times I've seen that movie. Such a great film. Oh. Apparently that showed up with no sound weird. It came through with sound on my end. We'll do something else with sound and we'll figure out what's going. Oh, you know what, let's do this. There we go. That would have done it. Hey, what did I tell you? This is amateur hour. This is me figuring it out as we go. I got two screens, I got two computers. I got I got a camera. On this goofy tripod thing. I got a mic, I got a mouse. I got notes. I don't need my phone that's over there. I got I got a screwdriver. Because I had to assemble the goofy tripod thing. Notice that it's not shooting down top of my head. I moved the camera here, instead of there. I used to sit on top of the monitor. Do what we can. Well, if anybody wants to go back and watch the goofy banana thing some Monty Python sketch, you'll see it. All right. Got this great GIF. Titled, what do we call this? [17:14 - 17:18] Whoa. And what's great about this is the more you watch it, the better it gets. You start to see more and more nuance of this cat being utterly ridiculous. It's it's, so if anybody's ever done capoeira, you know that doing an in place cartwheel is an element that that comes from capoeira and it it's handy because it looks like you're going to do a cartwheel so you're going to move away but you you managed to do it in place, and I don't know if I can still do them. But I was, I used to be able to do them and that's exactly what that cat does. Look. It's an in place cartwheel. Whoo. And then it jumps. It's not. Absolutely crazy. My cat doesn't do anything like that. My rabbit used to do some crazy stuff. He would just be sitting there and jump and if you watch it, watch people do snowboard tricks out of a halfpipe. He would do stuff like that and then just come back down and look at me like I was the weird one. I don't know man. Rabbits are weird. And then next,   this one's going out to any of you who love tournaments, compete in tournaments. Maybe I know you from tournaments. Maybe you're on Team whistlekick. Or maybe you are parents of someone in Team whistlekick, whatever it is. Don't worry, we'll be back. I am impressed with the participation I've seen for the virtual tournaments. I'm honestly I'm a little surprised. I didn't expect those to go as well as they did. There were quite a few of them. Some of them were done it kind of a no ah say oh what I thought to be a little bit of a high price? A price that I thought was probably unnecessary? But hey, if the market will bear it, by all means, I'm I'm a free market guy. And we all know that. Speaking of tournaments, should people submit tournament videos? If they're worth watching, what we're not going to do is sit here and watch someone do the entirety of their form. I've learned that form videos don't go well. People don't tend to want to watch them. Now, if somebody has like a cool fight clip that would be fun, that we would show. We put together a montage of like the best scoring techniques and I don't mean best isn't that guy got knocked out. Actually, I don't like watching that. But something really impressive, really cool. You know? I think that's fun to watch. What is your pre or post tournament routine? Does your post routine differ if you do well or not? And Matt submitted and those of you watching, I would love for you to post over here in the chat your pre post tournament routines. Matt says pre tournament I'll walk through the worst season quote part of my form. The day of I like to just walk around watch other divisions and stretch 10 to 20 minutes prior to sparring, I walk away and put on music. As a younger student post tournament routine used to be going out to eat and talk in tournament. Now how everyone did is indifferent, judges look for different things that we may or may not focus on in class but we try to record everything to watch after to critique ourselves. My routines, pre competition, leave me alone. I'm going to walk around and listen to music for at least an hour. I'm going to gently warm up, I'm going to visualize my form. And I'm gonna go, we're gonna see what happens. And then after, I'm going to collapse in a heap, and probably be useless for another hour. Because I put everything I have into it and that's how long it takes me to come back to life. Later on, yeah, take me out to eat, feed me, way too much sushi or Chinese food, and I'm a happy person. When I was a kid, there was always a yogurt involved. My mother always brought a lot of yogurt to tournaments and she would feed everyone yogurt. And if you were around back then you would remember my mother doing that. Not sure why it was always yogurt. My mother is a fan of yogurt. Other other tournament, pre post routines I've seen. It really runs the gamut. I mean, I I know people who can step into a ring with no mental or physical preparation and just rock it. I'm not one of them. I need to get my head right. I think most people need to get their head right. But somehow not everyone does. And that's weird to me. Gabe says post tournament, I don't think about my performance at all until the next day when I watch the video and critique myself. Laura says usually I only have five minutes from what I've been judging to get ready and jump in a ring. Oh, yeah. I don't referee if I'm there competing. If I've paid to compete. I'll jump in a chair when I'm done. But if I'm there to give my best, I can't get my best if I've been sitting in a chair all day. That's a controversial statement. Not plenty of people get offended at that idea. But you know what? What does Jared, this is Jared, Jared from Martial Thoughts Podcast. What does get your head right mean to you? It means that I am going to devote as much of my mental energy as possible to the task at hand, I'm going to be focused, I'm going to be present. I'm going to step into battle. Yes, even even for forms to me, I'm stepping into battle. I see my role as a competitor to show the referees the battle that I'm in, that I'm winning to bring them there. I'm an actor, I'm taking them to that experience. And that requires investing as much of my mental and emotional energy as I can in that. In that role in that character that I'm playing. Gabe says he's started becoming one of those people who can jump in without any preparation, good on you. This is this is Gabe, this is the back of Gabe for those of you who don't know Gabe see you this is what his back and the back of his head looks like. He has more hair but if we if we, can we zoom in. Gabe I'm gonna pick on you a little bit. Gabe this is what the back of my head, started doing it about 22 but nobody told me. So you're in good company. I have noticed that among adult black belt men there are far more without hair than there are with hair. So maybe there's something to that maybe maybe the further you progress in martial arts as a man you have to lose hair. But that's not at all why Gabe sent this over. Belt displays are cool. This one was custom made. What other creative ways can you store or display your rank and of course, Gabe is rocking this whistlekick shirt which I really appreciate. So ways to display your belts. Jared says bald head is due to extra testosterone. I mean maybe, maybe. Maybe that's what's going on. I think it's just ‘coz my brain runs so hot that it burned all the hair off. There are a lot of ways to store a belt right? If you want to display a belt I've seen belt racks like that, I've seen them wrap up in like a tube. I've seen people tie them off and hang them. You know, just kind of like hooks. I've seen people roll them and have like a tail coming off of them. So it's it's like a left to right progression of color, you know, kind of like a rainbow. I think it's the best way to describe it. I don't have, what do I have up in up in the closet behind me? I've got there's a white belt, there's a brown belt, there's a black belt. There's a blue belt. There's a yellow belt. I forgot ‘coz I started I started as a white belt in Jiu-Jitsu, Kempo Jiu-Jitsu couple years ago, and so I do have some of those lower rank belts in there. All the rest, any of my other belts are those are somewhere in Maine, at my mother's house. Gabe says he's had that bald spots that thins sorry, the thin spots since he was in high school. Tommy says, hey I got hair. I I'm just playing the statistics that is that I've got I'm not poking to anybody. I'm not saying you can't be good if you have hair, obviously, the vast majority of amazing women, I know in the martial arts have hair. I know a couple that have some thinning hair. But there doesn't seem to be the correlation over there. So clearly, it's not a universal generalization that we have to, we have to play some numbers and therefore we're gonna say that. Got this got another meme in here. There we go. Boom. Chuck Norris. The real reason Waldo is hiding, and I'm gonna zoom in on that a little bit. Now, here's the thing. I don't know if Waldo was actually in this one. And the resolution's not quite good enough for us to really zoom in. I don't know if anybody else really enjoyed those Where's Waldo books, I reluctantly did. Ooh, hard. I think I hated them until I found him. And what I find fascinating is it shouldn't be that hard. Right, you look at this how many people are in this picture? Not that many. Couple hundred, three hundred. Shouldn't be that hard to go one by one and look at them. But it is. Can you imagine drawing something like that? That would drive me insane to draw that many. This might be a monthly thing, the Chuck Norris joke of the month because who doesn't like a good Chuck Norris joke? We all do. The best. Frank says I'm balding too. May have never seen a picture of me. Frank, I don't think I have seen a picture of you. He's not a close up one. I'm wearing. Can you see it. Can you see it? There we go. This is a whistlekick sweatshirt from years ago. It's the only like thin sweatshirt we ever made. And it's not available on the website because I don't think the companies that we're working with do this kind of sweatshirt, but it's fun. I enjoy this and actually we do have your, I'll show you the back. If you like that design, that design is available the color is different but that design is available right now. I think we called it the, The Throwing It Back 'coz this was the first graphic that we did. It's well that events so it holds a special place for me. Oh, that's why I'm thrown off there. Okay. Chuck Norris laughed so hard at the January Chuck Norris joke of the month that we now have 12 months. Good stuff. All right. We did that. Apparently I'm supposed to talk about this. Okay. The whistlekick strength and conditioning program so the strength and conditioning program is out. I released. I updated it today version 1.02 is out. And it just keeps getting better. Price keeps going up a little bit. Keeps getting better. And yeah, if you want the most effective, inexpensive, at home, no equipment needed way to get stronger. This is it. There is there's nothing like this on the market. I'm very proud of the work that we did on this. And you should all check it out. What are we up to with it? 2199 for lifetime access. It's a bargain. It's a bargain! That's, that's my, my, my main accent coming out. It's a bargain. Go to Marden's and get a bargain. We've got some Mainers in the in the chat. They'll appreciate that. Maybe you can. No not gonna say it. I'm not gonna say. It's funny, but it's political. So I'm not gonna go there. All right, what's next? Maybe someday this show will grow enough that I that I have a producer that someone will run quote unquote run the board. And I can just sit here and react and respond. That would be a lot of fun. I wonder if we could do that. Uhm Gabe, I have an idea. Remind me, remind me about this. I think I've got a way we can do this. I think I've got a way we can do this remotely. Oh, here's a fun twist on oh, would you rather, Would you rather a training partner who doesn't wash their uniform often enough or wears a fragrance that is too strong? Hmm. I think most of the time I'm going to say I would prefer the fragrance to the stinky uniform. Because most of the time the fragrance even as strong as it is, is still preferable to the stinky grossness of the person's unwashed grossness, their funk. I used to train with a guy who smelled like curry when he sweat. It was, at first I thought he had had curry we were partnered up this was in a karate class like my freshman year of college. And I asked him, I said, "Did you did you have curry for dinner?" No, I haven't eaten yet. Oh. And then I noticed over the next few weeks, whenever I worked with him, he smelled like curry. And I realized it was him and it went from making me hungry to being really gross. And me not eating curry for a while. Jared says he'd take the stink, Gabe would take the fragrance. I want some other votes going on in here. What do y'all think? I just I've smelled some people that were so awful that I couldn't think that there's for those of you in BJJ, I don't know how you deal with the really gross smelly people. I just ahh ah, can't do it. Rebecca says curry sticks to everything, hair, skin, clothes. Depends on the fragrance. Okay. Yeah, there's I mean, smell is so personal. It really it really is such an individualized thing. There's smells that we like the smells that we don't like. Laura says with health due to health issues I would take cleanliness. Yeah, you know, just don't be smelly. Wash a uniform, wash your body. Put on deodorant. If you're particularly gross, you know put some body powder on. You know there's there are ways there are things that you can do. Do them. Jared says I played high school football. I'm used to the stink. That makes sense. And don't forget to clip your nails. Yes, always clip your nails. Otherwise people will bleed. Here's a fun one. Complete the statement, I never expected the martial arts could have helped with blank. I never expected the martial arts could have helped with blank. I feel like I'm Playing Cards Against Humanity or Apples to Apples right now. Of course we're not. I never expected the martial arts could have helped with. We've got some answers. Some people responded to this. I said, learning how to talk to people. And I don't just mean the podcast and this show and first cup and all the other things that I that I do. I'd meant in answering that primarily. If you're in martial arts long enough, you have to learn how to talk to people. You have to learn how to excuse me, talk to your partner. Talk to your instructor. If you are an instructor, you have to learn how to talk to students. To talk to their parents, you have to learn how to communicate. Communication is the foundation of everything and martial arts in order for it to work, I don't maybe effective, but but for it to work in society, we've got to communicate. We can't just get by with written release forms and pieces of paper. It's not it's not enough. Jared says home decor. I've seen I've seen video of your basement, my friend and I know what you're talking about. Matt says a good work ethic. I never expected the martial arts could have helped with a good work ethic. Something that I don't think we would think going into it but on the other side of it, yeah, I think any of us understand. Gracious confrontation from Gabe. Oh, it sounds like there's a there's a story there. Dove, hope I'm pronouncing your name right it says my migraines as a teenager. Thanks to though isn't really known for its meditation exercises. Nevertheless, we did enough so that I was able to relax in the middle of a migraine, headache, and release some of the tension. Oh, that's awesome. You know, I think one of the best things about martial arts. And the difference is, is that we get to look at something like that and say, you know, that makes sense, even for a school that maybe doesn't prioritize meditation, to offer it once in a while to teach people how to do it so it can become part of their toolbox. You know, if we go back to the title of this episode, or at the very least what I talked about at the beginning, We Have More That Binds Us Than Divides Us. We all need to know how to relax. Maybe meditation isn't for everyone, but I don't think it's bad to know it. Laura says bonfire supplies. I never expected the martial arts could have helped with bonfire supplies. Well, Laura and Stacy as the members of Team Smashy Smash. Put put their their hands, feet, and elbows through quite a bit of hardwood. Oh, wood, not hardwood, and yeah, burning it up. Martial Arts helps with not being grossed out by limbs with extra joints, aka broken bones. Ah, gross man. Anybody else has any more answers to that question. I'll read them as we go. Self-defense lesson of the day sometimes it's not about the technique. Look how many time she spends going down that girl's head would have come off her shoulders. Whoo. She spent it. I like that. GIFs are fun. There we go, here's a good one. We didn't make this shirt, I don't know where you can get this shirt. I don't think this shirt would be fun you know, in another month or two. But right now, it's a pretty fun idea. If I can land my foot on your face, you are less than six feet away. I don't know if that's true. I can. I can definitely kick people I mean if they're not gonna move, I can definitely get people who are more than six feet away. This shirt might have been designed by someone who is not a kicker. Let's see what's what's range for me. I mean if I I'm not gonna really care, about the quality of the kick. If I have to care about the quality of the kick, six foot might be might be right. Maybe a little bit more. If I don't care about the quality of the kick, I can probably push it to 8? Maybe 9? I don't know if I can get 10. Maybe we have something off to play with, put down some marks. Now it’s nice out, now it’s nice out we can we can find out. And it says, martial arts can help me with carpentry aka fixing out my home dojo. Rebecca says, helps my son feel proud of himself. Good stuff. Gabe’s encouraging me to get the tape measure out and you know what? Again, maybe this thing will grow and we’ll have a studio and camera people and and I’ll say hey somebody grab a tape measure and and we’ll try it live and we’ll see how far away can I actually reach. What’s the first thing you want to train when things open up again? Masses, self-defense drills, and throws. Well we do have a graphic about them. I would say, sparring. I miss sparring and I don’t mean fast sparring I mean just throwing techniques while other people are throwing techniques and just that exchange, I miss that. I miss that so much right now. I just wanna spar. This goes much longer I’m just gonna. I don’t really mean this, this is a joke. I’m gonna start in sickening fights on the street so I have people to spar with. I feel like I’m 25. I really do. There are moments when physically, I I hurt but I hurt when I was 25, I hurt when I was 15. I keep playing ways to get better and I think that if you, if you approach life that way, if you refuse to accept this idea that you have to get worse as you get older. I think there’s a lot of power in that. And I think there are lot of great examples of that, anybody whose been to a seminar knows. Even in the seventies, Bill could still kick a butt. He’s amazing. Jared’s saying that when you’re young you’re sore ‘coz you did something and I expect this is gonna when you’re old you hurt when you don’t do anything. Yes, yes. And that’s the key, don’t stop, don’t quit, don’t give up, don’t stop moving. It’s critical. You gotta keep moving. We got a ton of material for next time and as always Gabe and I are gonna connect, what worked what didn’t worked. Yeah. But as we start to wind down here, thanks for watching guys! Thanks for joining. But Bill Wallace is inhuman. Okay that’s her. He is not human, he is superhuman. He is one of the most incredible people I’ve ever met and those of you who had the opportunity to meet him know what I’m talking about ‘coz he’s the best. Alright now, here’s what I’m gonna ask for. For those of you watching, listening, now, in the future, whatever. Let’s make this show more connective. Okay, so we’ve got the live aspect, we’ve got people in the chat. I want more stuff coming from everyone. I wanna incorporate your thoughts, your photos, your videos. I want you to send stuff in. I want you to email me Jeremy@whistlekick, I don’t even know my own domain. Jeremy@whistlekick.com and you can use the subject, For Live or something like that and just send that stuff in and we’ll hold it for next month, it will be July something. What will that date be? First Tuesday of the month, come on calendar. Computer wants to install updates. No you cannot install updates. July 7th so we got five weeks. Five weeks until the next one. And in those five weeks I want you to send me stuff, I want you to send me anything that you think we can use. Let’s, you know we talked to the beginning about the news, stuff, the positive vibes. Let’s let’s turn this I I don’t wanna use the word crowd sourced but let’s make it connective and community-based. The whole of the martial arts community. He was literally the best in the world in his younger days though. Yes he was. And a lot of people don’t know, Bill Wallace had an exhibition fight last year. And he still crushed it. So, well I think it’s a complete end ‘coz it’s been an hour. It’s 9 o’clock. Thank you all for coming by. Thank you for joining me spending an hour of your evening with me. I’ve really enjoyed this show, it’s a lot of fun and those of you in the chat you make it that much more fun. Thanks for being here, thanks for picking on me, for telling me when I screw up and all that. And once again I wanna shout out Gabe for all this prep work, he does a great job and I wanna thank all of you who answer the questions and do all the other things and make this show what it is. Now if you can’t get enough of me live, I’ll be back at it on Youtube in just a few hours. 6:30 AM Eastern, we do that show every weekday morning. Different format, different concept and that’s that. So thank you everyone I hope you have a great night. And I will see you in a few weeks.


Episode 512 - Shihan Charles Garrett


Episode 510 - Ms. Shirley Meier