Episode 449 - Martial Arts Coaching and Consulting Services


In this episode, Jeremy talks about the new Martial Arts Coaching and Consulting Services for both martial artists and school owners.

Martial Arts Coaching and Consulting Services - Episode 449

Many martial artists have been sending the show their questions and asking help with training or their school so, we've been trying to help ever since. So we've decided to finally take it to another level and transform it into the Martial Arts Coaching and Consulting Services. In this episode, Jeremy discusses the plans and ways you could avail of the services. This is a way for whistlekick to support you, the traditional martial artists. Listen to find out more!

In this episode, Jeremy talks about the new Martial Arts Coaching and Consulting Services for both martial artists and school owners. Martial Arts Coaching and Consulting Services - Episode 449 Many martial artists have been sending the show their questions and asking help with training or their school so, we've been trying to help ever since.

Show Notes

You can read the show notes below or download here.Jeremy Lesniak:Hey, what's up everybody! This is whistlekick martial arts radio episode 449, today, were talking in a brand-new offering from whistlekick stay tuned, check it out. I'm Jeremy Lesniak, I'm your host on the show, I'm the founder of whistlekick and I am blessed to be able to bring you this show twice a week. On Mondays, we bring you interview, a guest from somewhere around the world, someone who's done something in the martial arts. Maybe it's something you can relate to, maybe it's something you aspire to, but either way we connect and we learn more about that person and how their journey is similar and different to our own. On Thursdays we bring you something else some kind of topic, something to digest, maybe there's a guest helping us unpack that topic or maybe it's just me like today. If you wanna learn more about this episode or any of the episodes, go to whistlekickmartialartsradio.com there you'll find transcripts, and show notes, photos, links, videos, tons of stuff to help you understand more about all these topics regarding the traditional martial arts if you want to learn more about whistlekick and everything that were doing, go to whistlekick.com. And if you pop into the store, use the code PODCAST15 that'll save you 15% off every single thing we make and sell like today. And is always the goal of this show is to connect, educate, inspire, traditional martial artists throughout the world. It's what we do and that's why we do it.Let's talk about today. Let's talk about what we've got new to offer to you the traditional martial artist. If you've been listening to the show for a while you know that were constantly looking for ways to support the traditional martial arts community and one of the things it has been happening a lot, not even behind the scenes but completely publicly, is supporting martial artists who have challenges and questions and we've brought some of them on the show, you've listened to some of those episodes where we've helped people out. Maybe it's an issue regarding their school, maybe it's an issue regarding their own training. And you what happened from those episodes? More and more people are reaching out. And we're bringing them on but we can't bring everyone on unless were going to turn this into a five day week multi-hour sort of format, we can't do it and I’ll be honest I have the kind of time. There's so much else going on at whistlekick that we can't do all that. So what's the solution, what do we do? Well we offer those same services out on a paid basis. Now real quick before you jump to any conclusions, that doesn't mean that were not going to continue to show, that doesn't mean that were not going to continue to help people, it doesn't mean that were not going to bring some of these challenges and problems on the air for you to listen to as we work through them. But what it does mean is you now have another option.I've always encourage people to email me. If you have a question, if you have a problem email me. Jeremy@ whistlekick.com I will continue two respond and provide support however and whenever I can but from day one I’ve said I will do that as long as I can and we are reaching the end of that point. More and more people are reaching out, there is more and more time going in the email and some of those emails require a lot more attention than others. What does that leave us with? It leaves us with me needing to bring on some help so I can further address those needs. And while we do have a wonderful community, bringing people on cost money and how do I intend to pay for that well by asking those people who reach out, in certain cases, if they want to go deeper to be willing to pay that time. We've already been testing this, didn't talk about it early on because I wanted to see how it went. I'm very careful about the things we put our name on and if we’re going to put our name on, paid coaching and consulting services for martial artists and martial arts school owners, it's got to be something that we can do well. I'd like to think I’ve been doing a pretty good job and I’ve also got the support of a number of others in the industry. So if you bring a challenge that I don't feel qualified to address, I likely have someone I can refer you too, who will help you.The next question is what's this going to cost? And the answer is, it depends. See, because I want to make sure people are getting the support that they need, again whether it's personal or professional. I don't want to lock anybody out by saying it has to be this much money. Because some people need more attention than others and some people can afford to pay more than others. It's still too early in this process for us to have any really formalized pay structure, because it's important to me that we offer some kind of a sliding scale. I want to make sure people get the help that they need. So if you're listening to this and you say you know Jeremy I'd love to talk to you about this problem, but I don't have much money. Well, we'll find a way to work it out. If you're listening you say you know. I would love your help and support on a monthly basis, we can work something out. The key is, if you think I can be helpful we can work something out .that's all I want you to come away with, so how would you move forward? Email me, jeremy@whistlekick.com give me some of the specifics as always, let me know what's going on, let me know how I can help. And if it's something that I have a quick suggestion for or maybe was already done episode on it, I’ll provide that help and support for free. But it sounds like it needs to go deeper, if it needs to be in our couple hours on the phone if it needs to be some kind of ongoing process, maybe your martial arts is struggling and you think some of my marketing experience might be beneficial, we can carve out some time. We can make sure you're getting what you need and I promise we can find a way to make affordable. And that's it pretty simple, pretty straightforward, very open, just like everything else we do here at whistlekick. You want my help, you want my time, we'll continue to give it but it might cost you. Let me know how I can support you in all of your martial arts related endeavors whether they be as a student, as an instructor, as a school owner, a coach promoter, I'm pretty proud of the help that I’ve offered to the martial arts community over the last few years and I want to continue to do so. This is just another option. So thank you for listening and for your support.Don't forget social media @whistlekick everywhere, newsletter whistlekick.com, discount code podcast15 at whistlekick.com, whistlekickmartialartsradio.com for everything related to the podcast and my email once again jeremy@whistlekick.com. Until next time! Train hard, smile, and have a great day.


Episode 450 - Ms. Juju Chan


Episode 448 - Master Colin Wee